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Butt Pads & Hip Pads

Replacement Padding for Bubbles® Panties

Here you will find a collection of Bubbles' replacement butt pads and hip pads for your Bubbles' Pocket-Panties. We design our Booty & Hip Pads, also known as "Inserts", to be paired with our specialized Pocket-Panties (panties with special pad pockets to hold pads or hip-to-butt pads in place). Skip down for our Butt Pads Comparison Chart.
  • The Replacement pads below can not be worn in your own underwear and must be worn inside a Bubbles pocket-panty. If you don't have a pair of our pocket-panties, we recommend first shopping our Panty/Pad Sets: Padded Underwear Department

Realistic Silicone Butt Pads & Hip Pads

Silicone Butt Pads
Silicone Butt Pads
❤ Clear, Thick & Soft
✔ XS to 5XL!
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Butt Pads
Silicone Butt Pads
❤ Traditional Silicone Booty
✔ XS to 5XL!
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Foaming Silicone Butt Pads
Lite Silicone Butt Pads
❤ Lightweight Silicone
✔ XS to 4XL & in 2 colors!
↻ Replacement Padding
Silicone Butt Pads
Silicone Butt/Hip Pads
❤ For Hip & Butt Underwear
✔ Patented
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Lightweight Silicone Butt Pads
Lite Silicone Butt/Hip Pads
❤ For Hip & Butt Underwear
✔ Patented
↻ Replacement Padding
Video FAQ

What's the difference between foam & silicone padding?
Frequently Asked Question

Can I buy booty pads without the pocket-panties?
padding Clear Jiggly Silicone OBLONG Pads
Clear Jiggly Silicone Pads
❤ Clear, Thick & Soft
✔ Oblong in Shape
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Silicone Oblong Jiggly Pads
Silicone Hip or Butt Pads
❤ Traditional Silicone Pads
✔ Oblong in Shape
↻ Replacement Padding
Lite Silicone Polygon Pads
Polygon Lite Silicone Pads
❤ Lite Silicone Pads
✔ Polygon in Shape
↻ Replacement Padding
padding padding

Replacement Foam Butt and/or Hip Pads

Realistic Butt Pads
Foam Butt Pads
❤ Super-light Foam
✔Thin and Thick
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Wide Booty Pads
Wide Foam Booty Pads
❤ Over 7" wide!
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Booty Pads Overstock Value Set of 3
Wide Foam Booty Pads
❤ Overstock Value 3-Pack
↻ Replacement Padding
Oblong Foam Booty Pads
OMG! Oblong Foam Booty Pads
♠ Tall & Wide Shape
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Polygon Foam Booty Pads
Polygon Foam Booty Pads
♠ Specialized Shape
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Oval Butt Pads
Oval Butt Padding
❤ Fabric-Covered
↻ Replacement Padding
Cloth-covered Booty Pads
Concave Cupped Pads
❤ Thin & Cloth-Covered
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Foam Bombshell Hip Pads
Hip-to-Butt Foam Pads
❤ Bombshell Pads
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Foam Hipee Hip Pads
Hip-to-Butt Foam Pads
❤ The Hipee Pads
↻ Replacement Padding

Replacement Foam Pads for our Men's Styles

Front Enhancer Pad
Men's Front Pad
♠ For The Jackpot
✔ Triangle
↻ Replacement Padding
padding Front Enhancer Pad
Men's Front Pad
♠ For BoyBubbles
✔ Low Profile
↻ Replacement Padding



Open this chart in a new window.


Want even more detailed info? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Butt Pads.

Clear Jiggly Silicone ROUND Butt Pads
Clear Jiggly Round Butt Pads
  • Extra-soft, "jiggly" silicone for a very realistic feel
  • Silicone pads have very fine edges that mold well to the body
  • More realistic to the touch than foam pads
  • Manufactured with our proprietary process for a stronger, longer-lasting pad
  • Carefully manufactured to prevent air from getting into the pads (prevents flattening)
  • Durable silicone - can be wiped clean and will outlast foam pads
  • Available in 9 sizes/thicknesses (XS - 5XL)!

  • Has a heavier feel than Lite Silicone or Foam padding
  • Because of weight, this pad is best supported by a limited choice of panty styles.

  • Thickest Silicone Pad available anywhere! Pads range from about ⅞" to 2" thick depending on pad size. For example, Small pads are slightly thinner than the Medium pads; XX-Large pads are noticeably thinner than 5XL pads.
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 8".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

Clear Jiggly Silicone OBLONG Butt Pads
Clear Jiggly Oblong Butt Pads
  • Extra-soft, "jiggly" silicone for a very realistic feel
  • Silicone pads have very fine edges that mold well to the body
  • More realistic to the touch than foam pads
  • Manufactured with our proprietary process for a stronger, longer-lasting pad
  • Carefully manufactured to prevent air from getting into the pads (prevents flattening)
  • Durable silicone - can be wiped clean and will outlast foam pads
  • Available in 4 sizes/thicknesses
  • Thickness of pads increases only minimally as the sizes increase, making this a great choice for anyone needing a larger/wider pad but without the added thickness.
  • Oblong shape works well for padding both the hips and the butt.

  • Has a heavier feel than Lite Silicone or Foam padding
  • Because of weight, this pad is best supported by a limited choice of panty styles.

  • Thickest Silicone Pad available anywhere! Pads range from about ⅞" to 2" thick depending on pad size. For example, Small pads are slightly thinner than the Medium pads; XX-Large pads are noticeably thinner than 5XL pads.
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 8".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

Traditional Silicone Round Butt Pads
  • Supple and more realistic to the touch than foam pads
  • Silicone pads have very fine edges that mold well to the body
  • More realistic to the touch than foam pads
  • Manufactured with our proprietary process for a stronger, longer-lasting pad
  • Carefully manufactured to prevent air from getting into the pads (prevents flattening)
  • Durable silicone - can be wiped clean and will outlast foam pads
  • Available in 9 sizes/thicknesses (XS - 5XL)!

  • Has a heavier feel than Lite Silicone or Foam padding
  • Because of weight, this pad is best supported by a limited choice of panty styles.

  • Approximately 2/3" - 1¼" of boost depending on pad size. For example, Small pads will have a slightly smaller thickness than the Large pads.
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 8".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

LITE Silicone ROUND Butt Pads
Lite Silicone Butt Pads
  • More realistic to the touch than foam pads
  • Silicone pads have very fine edges that mold well to the body
  • Air is "Whipped" or "Infused" into the silicone during the manufacturing process to thicken the pads without adding weight
  • Durable silicone - can be wiped clean and will outlast foam pads
  • Available in 8 sizes/thicknesses (XS - 4XL)!
  • Covered by warranty

  • Not as soft, or "jiggly", as the Traditional or Clear Silicone pads

  • Moderate, noticeable, realistic thickness. Pads provide approximately 1/2 inch to 2 inches of boost depending on pad size. Examples: Large pads are slightly thicker than Medium pads; 4XL pads are noticabley thicker than Large pads.
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 8".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

Super-light Polyurethane Standard Foam Butt Pads
Standard Foam Butt Pads
  • Lightweight
  • Can be made very thick for extra "boost"
  • Affordable booster solution
  • Great for hotter climates
  • Perfectly round shape
  • Offered in many different sizes - important when making sure that the pad is the right height and width to cover your butt cheeks!

  • May feel firm or less realistic to the touch as compared to Silicone padding

  • Made in several levels of thickness - from ¼" (thin and discreet) to 3" (thick and bootylicious).
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 7".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

Super-light Polyurethane Premium Foam Butt Pads
Premium Wide Foam Butt Pads
  • Wider than our Standard Foam Pads (covers more of the butt cheek)
  • Lightweight
  • Can be made very thick for extra "boost"
  • Affordable booster solution
  • Great for hotter climates
  • Slightly oval in shape
  • Offered in many different sizes - important when making sure that the pad is the right height and width to cover your butt cheeks!

  • May feel firm or less realistic to the touch as compared to Silicone padding.

  • Made in several levels of thickness - from ¼" (thin and discreet) to 2¾" (thick and bootylicious).
  • Diameter ranges from 5" to 7½".
Designed for use with these panty/pad sets:
Also fits into:

Sticky Buns® Self-Adhesive FOAM Butt or Hip Pads (Sticky Buns/Hips)
Recommended for use with: full-cut underwear, most shapewear styles or inside form-fitting jeans/pants.
Self-Adhesive Booty Pads
Self-Adhesive Booty Pads

Lightweight and easy to use

No set placement on the body (like with padded garments). Place wherever on your body that works for you.

The lightweight Foam is great for hotter climates

No need for panty w/pad pockets

Low cost boosting solution


Lasts about 75-100 uses before adhesive fades (depending on care)

Final sale item - can not be returned


Choose the size/thickness that works best for you!

Sticky Buns® Self-Adhesive SILICONE Butt or Hip Pads (Sticky Buns/Hips)
Recommended for use with: full-cut underwear, most shapewear styles or inside form-fitting jeans/pants.
Self-Adhesive Booty Pads
Foaming Silicone Hip Pads
Foaming Silicone Hip Pads

Easy to use

No set placement on the body (like with padded garments). Place wherever on your body that works for you.

No need for panty w/pad pockets

Silicone is supple makinfg it more realistic to the touch than Foam

Silicone pads have very fine edges that mold well to the body

Silicone is heavier than Foam

Silicone is a premium boosting material and is therefore more expensive

Lasts about 75-100 uses before adhesive fades (depending on care)

Final sale item - can not be returned


Choose the size/thickness that works best for you!

#SlowFashion. We make clothing that lasts.