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Can I buy booty pads without the pocket-panties?

Yes! Most of our padding can be purchased separately for the convenience of our customers who have already purchased Bubbles pocket-panties and need replacements, or want to try different padding options.

Please visit our "Booty and Hip Pads" page for all available options.

Important Note: Not all panties work well with all pads. Please check each individual pad product page for a list of recommended panty styles. Some things to consider before buying Replacement Pads:

  • Will the pad fit inside the pad-pocket of my pocket-panty?
  • Will my pocket-panty support the pad's shape/size/weight
  • If you do not have one of our pocket-panties, we suggest purchasing a Panty/Pad Set first (because we've already done all the work by matching panties with pads that fit together best).

Related: What Panty/Pad Sets ship with your Clear Jiggly Silicone Pads?

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