Give your tush a push™ with our patented Bubbles Butt Boosters that work like a push-up bra for the butt. These thigh high stockings use a special combination of fabrics to provide an upward push for a small or flat tush, while a "no roll" band engineered for comfort and hold supports the thigh & butt cheek without uncomfortable squeezing. High quality and mde in the USA.
⚑ This product features silicone stay-up strips that come in direct contact with the skin. If you are allergic to silicone do not use this product. If skin irritation occurs while wearing this product, remove immediately.
Bubbles Capris are best suited for women who want smoothing around the thigh with additional sheer hosiery to the ankle.
Take Bubbles shopping with you. You will find that your butt will look great in most of the jeans you try on, giving you more options in the way of style, fit and price!
I love the butt boosting capris! I was skeptical when I ordered this, but they really do work. I have two pair of pants that I wanted to wear but felt that they didn't compliment by bottom. With the capris they look amazing. I'm sold on this product and highly recommend it.
-Olga, FL (Size: C)
Thank you so much for this wonderful and useful invention. As someone with a great bubble butt and disproportionately larger thighs this really solves some of my worries:)
-Sheen, MA
There was a small seam starting to unravel as soon as I opened the package. Should be easy to fix, but it was pretty disappointing. Other than that, everything is exactly as I expected.