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bubbles faq


Why haven't I received my order or shipment confirmation?

Bubbles Bodywear sends an email to the BILLING email address on each order, at the following points in the order process:

  1. At the completion of every order (order receipt).
  2. When an item ships.
  3. When a return/exchange is received at our warehouse.
  4. If a credit is issued to your credit/debit card.

If no email has been received it may be due to a few possible problems:

  1. These emails can be wrongly sent to junk or spam folders. If you do not see any of these emails in your Inbox, please check one of these other folders. To avoid this problem in the future, please add service[@] to your address book.

  2. There may be a typo in the email address on your account. Please call 800-401-5811 or Chat with us to make sure that we have the correct email address on file for you.

  3. Alternatively, call 800-401-5811 or Chat with us and one of our friendly service representatives will provide your tracking/order information.
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